On this page you can find a catalog of the most relevant resources for the month of May, plus an update on the new resources that will be added during the month.
Weekly Reading Worksheets
Here are the Weekly Gospel Worksheets to use in class during May:
- 5/6/18: 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time
- 5/13/18: Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord: First Reading, Gospel
- 5/20/18: Pentecost Sunday First Reading, Gospel (Veni, Sancte Spiritus Sequence)
- 5/27/18: Trinity Sunday
Pentecost Resources
- Receive the Holy Spirit Worksheet
- The Coming of the Holy Spirit Worksheet
- Veni, Sancte Spiritus Worksheet
Class Videos
Here are some videos you might find interesting to show this month:
- Our Lady of Fatima (May 13 Feast Day)
- 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit
- Sacrament of Confirmation Symbols
- Sacrament of Confirmation Effects
New Resources Coming This Month
In April I finished a collection of Catholic Mass Worksheets and this month I will start to share a collection of worksheets to help students preparing for Confirmation. You will start to see a worksheet for each of the seven gifts if the Holy Spirit in the coming weeks that you could use to help your students prepare for and reflect on Pentecost.
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit Worksheets
The Gift of Understanding Worksheet
The Gift of Knowledge Worksheet