Every Day, Every Class, Every Student, an Encounter Christ
What would happen if we shifted our focus from primarily education (tests, textbooks, and long lectures) to primarily encounter?
Instead of teaching our students about Christ, we give them chances to encounter Christ in class.
That is the goal of every resources you will find as a member of The Religion Teacher.
Premium members have access to hundreds of worksheets, dozens of engaging class videos, and opportunities for formation and professional development.
600+ Engaging Worksheets and Graphic Organizers
“The weekly reading worksheets have given me a jumping off place to discuss the gospels.”
Nancy Pretto
Middle School Catechist
These worksheets require students to think and reflect and make connections between Scripture, Tradition, and their personal lives.
They help get students beyond knowing ABOUT Jesus and truly reflecting on their RELATIONSHIP with Jesus.
Sunday Gospel Reading Worksheets
Each week a new worksheet is offered to help teach about the Sunday Gospel. These weekly reading worksheets are based on the principles of Lectio Divina, an important Catholic devotional practice that leads people into an encounter with God in Sacred Scripture.
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150+ Worksheets on the Lives of the Saints
The Religion Teacher’s Saints Worksheet series is designed to help introduce your students to the lives of the saints. Each worksheet includes a brief saint biography with questions to help reinforce and challenge students to reflect on the life lessons these saints have to teach us through the way they lived and died. Multiple saint worksheets are available for every week of the calendar year.
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The Religion Teacher’s Activity and Worksheet Packs
Members also get access to packets of worksheets that are usually sold separately for $10-12 each including The Religion Teacher’s Catholic Mass Worksheets, Genesis Worksheets, Ten Commandments Worksheets, The Lord’s Prayer Worksheets, and the Catholic Social Teaching Activity Pack. New products like these are added to the membership website every year and the library will continue to grow over time. Each of these resources are available for no extra charge to premium members.
Catechetical Class Videos
“The Religion Teacher membership website has helped me with specific videos I have needed as well as new ways to approach certain topics.”
Kelly Foyle
Middle School Religion Teacher
The class videos will support what teachers and catechists are introducing in class, but while the students watch, they are filling out a graphic organizer that is custom-made for each video.
With these short classroom videos and their accompanying worksheets, catechists and teachers can supplement their religious instruction and extend their lessons with some additional interactivity.
Use these interactive videos to go beyond the textbook and reach your students in an engaging way.
These catechetical videos include lessons in a variety of topics including Scripture, the Sacraments, the Saints, Catholic Social Teaching, Advent, and Lent.
Each video comes with a printable worksheet for students to complete as they watch the video. The combination of these videos and graphic organizers will allow religious educators to introduce new topics or support in-class lessons in an engaging way.
Online Courses for Religious Educators
“After so many years of teaching and getting a bit worn out, the beginning of the year course helped re-focus and re-energize me and remind me of some things that I had forgotten.”
Judy Carney
Middle School & High School Religion Teacher
The courses that the religious educators can take to grow and become better are more than just informational videos. They offer effective exercises that will make educators better at what they do.
The easy-to-implement strategies and formation ideas in the courses and online seminars will help catechists and religion teachers focus on how they can become a better religious educators for the students they teach.
Members will have access to highly effective courses including:
- Classroom Engagement: Motivate Your Students to Love Learning the Faith
- Empowering Parents
- Teaching with the Joy of the Gospel: A Series of Reflections on Evangelii Gaudium for Religious Educators
- Starting the New School Year Off Right
- Contagious Classroom Prayer: Convincing Kids to Pray Now and Forever
The key to all three resources: make sure learning is an active experience.
What are people saying about being a member?
“Being a member of The Religion Teacher has given me countless ideas about lesson plans and material to accompany lessons, as well as tools to get children and parents more engaged.”
Darijana Kline
Elementary Grade Catechist“I can provide useful ideas for my catechists especially since they are not teachers.”
Bridget Murphy
Director of Religious Education